In the world of television, few shows capture the raw essence of human struggle and the complexities of love in the face of adversity quite like ‘The Walking Dead’. But when it comes to its spinoff, ‘The Ones Who Live’, we’re introduced to a new layer of storytelling that intertwines the macabre with the mundane, […]

Are you a fan of gripping survival stories, complex characters, and the occasional leap from a helicopter? If so, the latest episode of our podcast will have you on the edge of your seat as we delve into ‘The Ones Who Live,’ a spin-off of the iconic ‘The Walking Dead’ series. In this episode, I’m […]

Are you a die-hard fan of “The Walking Dead”? If so, you’re in for a treat with our podcast’s latest episode. I’m joined by my “Revisiting Sunnydale” co-host Marcella, and we delve into the dark and desperate world of the new spinoff, “The Ones Who Live”. This episode, titled “Gone”, offers a rich tapestry of […]